Monday, November 24, 2008

I've re-shifted to my old blog:



Saturday, November 15, 2008

My birthday is coming!

Yay, my birthday is tomorrow...but I am going home at about 5.30pm. How sad!

Too bad the outing that Seet organised on Saturday was not a success. Guess what happened. Seet told us that he had something on on that day, so he cancelled the outing. Therefore, I told my mum that I would go home straight after my dismount, as my family intended to go to JB for shopping. However, an hour later, Seet re-smsed me and said that his event was actually cancelled. But I could not expect myself to play around with my mum and said that I could not be back home in the morning. So I told him that I could not make it. And diaoooo........that is so sad, as Kenneth was like telling everyone that Seet was quite disappointed, especially when everyone seemed to pangseh all the outings that he organised. Sighs.............I am definitely sorry....

Missed those days when 0635 conducted birthday outings and events specially for the birthday boys and girls in the class. How I hope people at my workplace are just like them, but yeah, maybe what I am expecting is simply utopian and out-of-the-mind. LOL.

Thanks Sufyan for being the first ever person to wish me, which was 1 week ago. LOL! And of course Ianrik, Deva, Yixiang, Farahiyah, Syahid and Irwin for wishing me in advance too. And a calamitous fiasco happened last Thursday. STUPID HAFEEZ made a hoo-haa to everyone that my birthday is coming. And he also conspired with the rest to give me a blanket party! By the way, for the benefit of noobs like Lydia who do not know what a blanket party is, it is an occasion where a large group of people will cover the birthday boy with a blanket and they will simultaneously carry out funny stuffs like tickling, bashing, stripping and stuffs like that. Wah lao, I was being stripped till my underwear, and luckily they did not remove it. I was definitely going to retaliate if they were to do it lor. Hahahaha. Stupid lor, there are a lot of people, especially idiotic Salimin, Hafeez, Ianrik, Kelvin, Kavic and Vernon. Wah kao, felt so exhausted after struggling for so much. Soo was just a statue, standing at one corner, doing nothing. Sad lor. OMG, I never did such things to people before, and I never experienced that before. Maybe what people said was true, where it is an experience to remember. Hahaha.

Am very fed up with this guy at my workplace who is really very idiotic in terms of treating other people around him. And what 0635 said was really true, where such people really do not think what they are actually doing to other people. We tried our best but he did not put his effort to accept our help. So why bother?

Stuart just came to our team. He was from CJC who became our new junior superior. He is quite a nice guy. And I hope that he could make our team bonded and be stronger as ever before!!!!!!!

Watched 14 episodes of Power Rangers in total yesterday night. Slept at about 2am. And yes, what Hafeez said was true, at which I ended up sleeping at work due to staying up late that night. Hahahahaha. My sister was quite fascinated that I could draw the Pink Ranger, Zordon and Alpha in the Command Centre and Rita Repulsa for her. LOLS! Oh my, I am getting more and more addicted to Power Rangers!

Today is a boring day. Without Hafeez and Soo around......sad sad sad

Alrights, see ya all again soon!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Today is the 11th and 6 more days and my birthday will come! 17th November is the day. My wishlist for the year ==>

1) Series of Power Rangers Toys
2) Georgio Armani Perfume
3) White Billabong Belt - to be matched with my white shoe
4) New Polo Tees and collared shirts
5) and the list goes on ( definitely )

The last Standby duty, Hafeez and me decided to learn how to draw Power Rangers characters. It ended up myself to draw like a small kid! We drew Rita Repulsa but mine looked like Santa Claus instead! Hahahahaha. And we also found out that Farhan and Fadzil also favour Power Rangers! Hahaha. Besides that, I felt so disturbed when there's his guy whom we gave a nickname called 'helmet' tried to siam himself away from duties. And he is such a freaking convincing and influential idiot who is able to manipulate people's mindsets. URRRGHHHH! I hate him! There is this guy in my workplace was such a talented guy in terms of drawing lar. His portfolio of drawings really shows that he can go far lor. I really think that he is of a better person 200 times than anyone in my workplace. Hahaha...No matter what people say, I really do respect him as himself.

IPPT just now was cool! Here are my scores :
1) Sit-ups : 40 reps ( 5 points )
2) Pull-ups : 12 reps ( 5 points )
3) Shuttle Run : 10.1 sec ( 5 points )
4) 2.4km Run : <>
5) Standing Broad Jump : 198 ( 0 point )

So it's a total of 18 points but still a fail! Stupid SBJ! URGH!!!!!!!! Taking partial re-take next time. I am really aiming for that SILVER!!!!!! Salimin failed, which was a total shock lor! Hahhaa...due to his 2.4km run.

Fed up with someone as he is not trying hard to appreciate what others do to him. People around him is doing their best in accepting and bringing him into the group but he did not even want to put in effort. Sad life lor. Is this what he learnt from the army? I do pity him due to his lack of social skills, but at the same time, he should help himself out! Times in 0635 and McDonald's are the times which had helped me to build up my social skills. I really hope that person can change! Maybe he needs time? Who knows...

Rashes have dominated the whole of body. Yes, the whole of my body. Gonna report sick tomorrow. Sad...

Okays, I'll see you all soon! Nights!

Here are the drawings that day :



Friday, November 07, 2008

Back from Attend C

Stupid lor. My blog address was being censored in both Kenneth's and Cai's cbox tagboard! hahahaha. Cbox can't really differentiate between fcking and f***ing. Hahahahahhahahahaa. Sad la. Anyway, until now I can't get to know how to change my blogskin. Lydia told me once at my workplace computer corner. But I could not get a single shit out of it. HAHAHAHAHAH! Sorry Lydia! And Ain was being so random in her tag!

Was on Att C ( military term for MC ) for 2 days, which was during my Standby and External. Reported sick at the Medical Centre about 7.20 pm and the personnel there gave me a dose of Zerin Paracetemol. However, after taking it, my temperature an hour later rose from 37.9 to 38.4 lor! So no choice but to be evacuated to Tengah Air Base Medical Centre for Consultation. Wah lao, it stirred up a commotion at work la! Mr Chan was the Duty Superior and he was making a big hoo haa that SUHAIMI WAS HAVING A BAD FEVER! Until all the people from the other group knew about it. Sad lor! Hahahahahhaa. Anyways, Hafeez was being such a nice buddy for 'escorting' me to the Medical Centre. LOL! On the way back to my workplace, he and the driver were like dilly-dallying and left me at the back of the car lying down in daze. SAD LA! Hahahahhahaa. In the end, was being sent back home. Mr Chan was caring by asking Kavic to send me home using his Proton car! Which was quite stuffy! Hahahahhaa! But thanks to him lor! Thanks loads!

At work, Hafeez was so emotional and heartbroken. But it's okay, he was hurt by a heartbreaker. By a heartbreaker. She should be so sorry. She should be so sorry. Hahahhaa. Pax, Kelvin and Ianrik were on leave. Sad lor. And that was the first day I did duty until midnight. Luckily that Soo, being a cool buddy who stayed up and accompanied me throughout my night duty. So nice of him. And we chatted about IT and relationship stuffs, which was surprising for Soo himself to chat about such issues! Hahaha. And what Soo talked about yesterday do make a lot of sense, about how family background can really affect a person's future life. And I find that our way of thinking kinda similar. Hahahah. Interesting....I learnt a new word. COCKBLOCK. Aziz taught me this. It means someone who finds it very uncomfortable to talk about sex. And this applies to me and Soo! LOL! By the way, there is someone who is really a bastard at work. Who really backstabs people. He backstabbed my team in terms of our schedule yesterday. And let me broadcast to everyone that I HATE HIM. I don't care.

I can't believe that quite a number of my friends are Scorpios too! Besides the known Rajalakshmi, Cheryl, Ivan, Jacqueline and Ravleen, there are still Fahmi, Pax and Bowen! Hahahaha. Just a random info, anyway! And my birthday is coming in 10 days' time! Turing 19 soon. Sad lo! And hope my family will conduct a memorable and joyous occasion on that day! Not forgetting Bunk 23 whom I hope I can celebrate with them. IRFAN! DENIS! DYLAN! TIMON! KENNETH! SEET! JON ( Duh! )! SCOTT! MISS YOU ALL MAN! And definitely my workmates ( anyway, 17 Nov is my External shift, ).

I really pity Bowen, my BMT mate, who is currently suffering at his unit in terms of social aspect. People around him who worked with him are really bullshit lor! And what aggravates the situation is that he lives alone ( his parents are away in China for business purposes ). I hope he can move on.....DONT WORRY BOWEN! STAY STRONG!

Kays I got to go...Till then! Take care!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Sad Life

Stupid Lydia commented something about my new blog. She said that the address should be changed to HAHAHAHAHAHHA! Stupid lor! So irritating.

I guess for now I am addicted to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. It is quite cool to re-watch the long ago episodes of Power Rangers. Especially the appearance of Rita Repulsa, Finster, Lord Zedd and those other evil guys. So cool!!!!!! I felt quite guilty for compromising my sleep just to watch the Power Ranger Series. Imagine sleeping at 3am just to watch Power Rangers! Hahahahaa. Kenneth and Aziz said that I was being childish! Sad lor. In fact, I think Power Rangers is one of the more better off children series which is able to teach young children about creativity, moral values and helpfulness. As compared to today's kids programmes such as Bratz and stuffs like that which teach children to be cheeky and bitchy.

Just recovered from fever. And currently still feeling very giddy and nauseous. Like what my mama said, the com will make myself get rid of any sickness. Hahhahahaa. Maybe it is just the weather that makes people get sickly more often. SAD LIFE. Anyway, SAD LIFE is my slogan for now. Hahahahaha.

Like I said, life is getting worse. Hate being involved in stuffs that I am actually quite innocent in. I wonder why people could be very selfish for making others feel so guilty about the mistakes that they themselves did. I really do not want to be implicated in all those stuffs. Seriously, I feel that I am very tired of all these stuffs. I am tired of leading such a life. People here misunderstand myself. They simply do not have that level of care or compassion. Luckily for the past few days there are Seet and Zul who are able to share and exchange opinions and problems. Crave the life that I had in NYJC.


Saturday, November 01, 2008

WELCOME to my new blog!!!!

Hello guys! This shall be my new blog. I guess MSN spaces is too formal for a blog, so I decided to switch to blogspot. Hahahaa. And I am seriously clueless on how to choose a fancy blogskin! Tried to follow the instructions but it did not work lor! Urgh...sad! Anyone who knows how to create blogger skins KINDLY TELL ME!!!!!! Lol...

Last week, me with Soo, Aziz and Ianrik went to eat at McDonald's after our work shift for breakfast. Interesting things happened! Aziz tried to be funny. He ordered a Sausage McMuffin with Egg Meal, but he asked for NO EGG. When we were at the table, Ianrik was wondering why his meal cost more than usual. So I took the receipt to analyse. And I found that the cashier keyed in 1 additional hashbrown! So me, trying to be a 'hero' ( Ptui! Lol ), went to save the day by confronting the cashier. Before that, when I went out from my seat, I banged into a small boy. He dropped down with a thud lah! Super paiseh! And the father was looking at me as if he wanted to eat me. Moving from there, when I told the cashier that he over-charged Aziz, the cashier said that Aziz did ask for 1 more hashbrown. But I rebutted and said that Aziz did not order an extra one. Also, Aziz did not receive any extra hashbrown anyway. So he refunded $1.85. When I came back to my seat, Aziz confessed to us that HE ACTUALLY ASKED FOR 1 MORE HASHBROWN!!!!!! But he was quite afraid to tell the cashier that he missed out the additional hashbrown, so he kept quiet. Then Ianrik, Soo and I were like AZIZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahaa! SO FUNNY LA! After that, I was talking about social etiquette and stuffs. Ironically, I was the one causing embarrassment. When opening the packet of maple syrup, it actually flew to the next table!!!!!! WAH LAO!!!!!! Freaking paiseh like shit la! So much for me talking about SOCIAL DECORUM AND ETIQUETTE. And the person beside us was laughing like nobody's business. Hahahahaha!

Just now, I jio-ed Fu Zhong and Soo ( again ) to McDonald's ( again!! ). When we first came, it was very funny also!!!! Because beside us, there was this small boy who said, "Hello, my name is BLAH BLAH! I am a clever boy." The 3 of us were like errrrr...ok. Then he said, "I like to make potions and poisons to kill people!" I WAS LIKE OMG!!!!!!!! That boy is going to be the future Pax, who wishes to kill everybody!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG! Hahahaha. He kept talking after that, but we simply ignored him, especially Fu Zhong who pulled a face. LOL! Being worried for the boy being alone, I asked him, "Hey boy, where is your mama?" And he said that his mum was ordering food at the counter. Hahahaha. Anyway, our conversation was a very healthy and interesting one, which was about life and society. Wow, I didn't know Fu Zhong knows how to engage in such convos. By the way, Yin Rong's email about how to keep your brains healthy includes involving in intellectual conversations. Haha. Soo was being quiet. Hahahaha. But anyway, it was a nice breakfast. And I found that so far, all the McDonald's breakfast events that we had, there seemed to be interesting things happening. LOL!

Bought a Loreal facial product which proved to reduce oil in your face. It was as seen on TV. So gave it a try. Jon was quite against it and forced me to start saving. Hahahaha. Anyway, I am getting more and more depressed than ever. Politics. Misunderstandings. Insensitivity. Conflicts. Insinuation. Life at my workplace is getting worse lor! Luckily Seet was there to chat with me yesterday night before going to sleep. Kinda miss Seet and the rest of the Bunk 23 peeps. Sad Sad Sad.

Okays, that's all for now! I shall blog again tomorrow. See ya!