Monday, November 10, 2008


Today is the 11th and 6 more days and my birthday will come! 17th November is the day. My wishlist for the year ==>

1) Series of Power Rangers Toys
2) Georgio Armani Perfume
3) White Billabong Belt - to be matched with my white shoe
4) New Polo Tees and collared shirts
5) and the list goes on ( definitely )

The last Standby duty, Hafeez and me decided to learn how to draw Power Rangers characters. It ended up myself to draw like a small kid! We drew Rita Repulsa but mine looked like Santa Claus instead! Hahahahaha. And we also found out that Farhan and Fadzil also favour Power Rangers! Hahaha. Besides that, I felt so disturbed when there's his guy whom we gave a nickname called 'helmet' tried to siam himself away from duties. And he is such a freaking convincing and influential idiot who is able to manipulate people's mindsets. URRRGHHHH! I hate him! There is this guy in my workplace was such a talented guy in terms of drawing lar. His portfolio of drawings really shows that he can go far lor. I really think that he is of a better person 200 times than anyone in my workplace. Hahaha...No matter what people say, I really do respect him as himself.

IPPT just now was cool! Here are my scores :
1) Sit-ups : 40 reps ( 5 points )
2) Pull-ups : 12 reps ( 5 points )
3) Shuttle Run : 10.1 sec ( 5 points )
4) 2.4km Run : <>
5) Standing Broad Jump : 198 ( 0 point )

So it's a total of 18 points but still a fail! Stupid SBJ! URGH!!!!!!!! Taking partial re-take next time. I am really aiming for that SILVER!!!!!! Salimin failed, which was a total shock lor! Hahhaa...due to his 2.4km run.

Fed up with someone as he is not trying hard to appreciate what others do to him. People around him is doing their best in accepting and bringing him into the group but he did not even want to put in effort. Sad life lor. Is this what he learnt from the army? I do pity him due to his lack of social skills, but at the same time, he should help himself out! Times in 0635 and McDonald's are the times which had helped me to build up my social skills. I really hope that person can change! Maybe he needs time? Who knows...

Rashes have dominated the whole of body. Yes, the whole of my body. Gonna report sick tomorrow. Sad...

Okays, I'll see you all soon! Nights!

Here are the drawings that day :



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