Saturday, November 06, 2010

I'm back to blog, guys! ^^

Hello people! I am back here to blog again! Was looking through all the entries that I had, showed them to Jason, reminiscing the old days. So I have decided to start blogging again.

It is already more than halfway through the semester. University life for me is quite hectic, busy but fun. The fact that I have to juggle both work and school really helped me to be a better person in terms of time management and planning. McDonald's, on the other hand, had also taught me on how to value the right people, be strong on setbacks that may strike me and of course improve my customer service skills. I always find myself very lucky to be in McDonald's Forum Galleria. Only in my workplace where I can find jovial, outgoing aunts like Rohayah, Lee Chiew, Stephanie, Doris and many others. Only in my workplace where I can learn how to love, care and concern about the fellow employee. And most importantly, of course, my workplace is where I have met Jason. My best friend, my best buddy, my brother.

To more serious stuff, it puzzled me hearing about undergrads' mentality and purpose of entering the university. It may not be foreign to most undergrads out there when we talk about these dialogues:

"In uni, we have to get a girl and mingle around with chicks!"
"Hall life is fun and exciting, especially with the girls around."
"I can't wait to start school so that I can get the girls."
and so on and so forth...(disclaimer: these are the different things that I heard from my own experience, some may not have heard)

In general, the youths that are in the university now are prioritizing their social life instead of academics. Frankly I would say that such idea is indeed recommended because in a competitive world, we are looking at interpersonal skills, creativity and outspokenness and not only conformed to the 'cookie cutter' system. But sadly, these youths see it in another way, which may seem unhealthy. Having such thinking may turn out to be the mindset of promiscuity. It is not a surprise when we were to hear erotic but embarrassing stories happening in the halls involving undergrads. These breed of undergrads are the ones who degrade the integrity of undergrads. University students, ideally, have to be thinking inividuals, smart on both the sciences but in terms morals too. They are assumed to think about relevant and intellectual issues and not trivial, immature ones. As a result, morals became detrimental and it defeats the status quo of us being Asian citizens. 

Looking at such problems, there should be no argument against the senior citizens who claim that the cleverer a person is, the more immoral he/she is. Such claims are prevalent especially among the Malay community. May seem as a sweeping statement though.

I really hope God will not make me fall into those breed of unbecoming undergrads.

That's all for now, gonna sleep as I will be working at 7am later, and now is already 12.14am! Hahas...


Anonymous said...

ohhh.... i thought this was written by a social sciences undergrad! hehe

Lime said...

Gotta boost the falling birth rate u know. Suhaimi, when will u do your part to save e nation's ageing population?

Soo said...

Hahahahahahas...i don't wanna get married... =)