Saturday, November 14, 2009

Calamity after calamity...


Some of you guys might have noticed my Facebook status that I am a potential victim of an old indian RAPIST. Something very embarrassing incident indeed happened to me la! That night me, Gabriel, Fathie and Shanyuan went to Changi Prison to escort a detainee. While I was settling some paperwork in their office, the nurses there were like shouting across the observation cell which was just in front of the office, "Hey, young malay SAF boy here! What else, RAPE HIM!" And an old indian man from the observation cell JUMPED out of his bed, ran to his wheelchair, and rode towards the cell door. In my mind, I was like what the hell is wrong with this old hag. And he called me and MADE A LICKING ACTION OF HIS TONGUE TOWARDS ME!!! I was like screaming to the nurses in the office, "AIYO, WHAT DOES HE WANT FROM ME???" I rushed to complete the paperwork and frantically got away from there. I passed the observatin cell gate and the nurse, being a bitch, told the indian man to wave bye to me. And that stupid old man did the same licking thing to me! Damn him la! I quickly ran towards Gabriel they all and they were laughing like nobody's business, as they said that my reaction from far was humorous! WHATEVER LO!!!! Unfortunately, due to unnecessary gossip kings, this story was being made known to the whole of DB. URGH!!!!!

Emile was back for mounting after some time being away. Mounting was not bad after all. Dungeon Siege seemed to be our in-thing now. LOL! Muscle aches due to the physical activities that morning. Something bad happened to me that night. I was RAPED by Emile, Fathie and Shanyuan! Damn it la! They were like groping, trying to hump and rape me. WHATEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They kind of like feel so incomplete if they were not to do anything to me at night! URGH!!!!!!

Exactly 1 more month left to ORD...I will miss my best friends in DB, that's for sure... =(

1 comment:

Kenneth Ng said...

wasted i'am not there to rape u. Wahaha.. Back to blog sia...