Friday, October 16, 2009


It has been quite a while (in fact 1 year) that my blog has been so inactive. I realised that being active in the blogosphere enables one's views and perspectives to be brought to the next level, at which a greater prospect of audience can be targeted. That is, of course, the main reason why newscasters and commentators took the effort to manage their own blogs.

Blogging, as what its most ideal purpose is supposed to be, is a means to voice out certain issues about life, discuss about them with readers and hope that something is done. It triggered me when SSG Cheng talked to me about this issue. What he told me was that it is quite superficial and fake for some bloggers to only talk about what they want others to hear about them. This includes things like bloggers would blog almost entirely about what they did, ate or saw on that day itself, childish and baseless comments about things, etc. I would definitely agree to his point. It would be such a waste of time is you just talk about your mundane, everyday life and with one main intention - to let yourself be heard, or simply said ATTRACT ATTENTION. Point to ponder................

In my new blog, my objective is to:
1) improve my grammar by ENSURING a 100% grammatical error-free blog
2) reduce the frequency of talking about what I do every day (some people will find them like yeah, whatever so what if you do this, that, blah blah)
3) make it not so wordy (yes Raja, I can still remember...)

Since I'm going back to the civilian life, I guess it is imperative for me to start back blogging! In one way, it will kind of improve my language skills and of course, widen my thinking... I go! =)

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